Sri Wahyuningsih


Facebook is a global Internet services for network counterparts in the world of social media. Many gains and losses as facebook users, profits for example, could make friends with anybody, fast data access, ob- taining positive information, you can merchandise on line via the website facebook, write status Boulding per- sonality, positive self expression and much more. While the loss as an example, is an expression of negative self, posting images of pornography, promotion of self-sales, post status provoke others, and many other examples. But the authors focus of this article, in order to determine how the self-disclosure of facebook users are presented with words and pictures through facebook media status. And to determine how the meaning stored behind the sign delivered status facebook users on personal status. The research method with qualitative research. With Roland Barthes semiotic text analysis as a scalpel as to read the meaning of the sign facebook status informant who uploaded the form of photos and words. The object is the meaning of self disclosure facebook users, while the subject is an informant who upload status in facebook that are self disclosure, by using purposive sampling by the author. Data collection techniques are observation, documentation, and literature studies. While data analysis technique data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Validity of the data using a triangulation of data sources, methods, and theory. The results of this study according to the theory of self-disclosure self disclosure Johari Window is positioned in quadrant one we know ourselves and other people also know about ourselves means no disclosure of ourselves to others. Then constructed by the author obtained some categories of self disclosure face- book users which are self disclosure proud and happy on image analysis 1, self disclosure nervous and confident on the analysis of Figure 2, self-disclosure that are unmet human needs analysis in figure 3, self disclosure flavor pain by eliminating a sense of overbearing analysis in figure 4, self disclosure longing, the analysis in figure 4, self disclosure a sense of disappointment, the analysis in Figure 6, self disclosure feeling of happiness, the anal- ysis in Figure 7, self disclosure feelings of sadness, the analysis in figure 8, and the final analysis is the self-dis- closure of feelings and thoughts facebook users male gender differences feeling, owned ratio of men and women.


Users; Facebook; Self-Disclosure; Semiotics of Roland Barthes



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