REPRESENTASI NILAI ETIKA PADA LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN (Studi Deskriptif Analitik Nilai-Nilai Moral Aristoteles sebagai Komunikasi dalam Penerapan Mata Pelajaran di Lembaga Pendidikan di Jakarta)

Yohanes Probo Dwi S.


Education communication process could not be separated from the important elements of education: the education process, headmaster, educator, students, school employees, school curriculum etc.educators is the potential resource, the valuable energy in term of developing the education organization. The students are the essential material in term of values of knowledge culvitation in the life education process. On the other hand, curriculum is a media that is periodically being given as the steps communication of learning process for the students. The important and central aspect to actualize the education vision and mission is that all the elements of the education should have good morality, by accentuating the primary values in moral and religion. The moral values comprehension according to Aristoteles, is an exclamation and moral lesson as well to all of us, especially the educators to accentuate and prioritize the human values to the nature where human being lives.


Educators, Students, Subjects, Ethics, Communication, Educational Organizations


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