SACCARIN: KEKUATAN MEDIA DALAM PERGESERAN POLA HIDUP (Kajian Teori Peluru pada Fenomena Pemanis Buatan)

Adiella Yankie Lubis


Artificial sweeteners was flarely used as a substitute for pure sweetener in the era of the first world war in the United States, not a few people who do not know the use of chemicals in the artificial sweetener used in some canned beverage product of its time. This study is a theoretical study of theory, where bullet theory will be used to see the saccarin phenomenon, and then associate it with the theory of media that had a view of the absolute effect of the mass media to illustrate the construction of a healthy lifestyle by using artificial sugar substitutes products through the illusion of control on the use of artificial sugar without heeding the dangers of artificial sweeteners and such products.


Saccarin, Media Construction, Bullet Theory


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