Pelatihan Menjadi News Anchor Bagi Siswa SMK Strada Daan Mogot Kota Tangerang Provinsi Banten
Additional skills for vocational school students beyond basic skills have become a competitive advantage for graduates of vocational high schools (SMK) in facing today's job market competition. One of these additional skills is the ability to communicate and present information on television programs. This skill is provided to SMK Strada Daan Mogot in the form of news anchor training. The training aims to enhance public speaking skills, understand and identify the process and implementation of news delivery to the public through television media. This training is attended by twelfth-grade students at SMK Strada Daan Mogot, Karawaci Tangerang, with a total of 24 students divided into two (2) groups taking a lecture and practical method. This training provides benefits to students in developing their communication skills, speaking confidence, the technique of delivering news effectively, and overall experience in becoming a news anchor, including attitude, knowledge, and complete skills. At the end of the training, a questionnaire is given to measure the effectiveness and usefulness of this training. The results show a change in students' knowledge about the concept of a news anchor. Students gain knowledge about the role and function of a news anchor's job, can read the news with good intonation, and have increased self-confidence. This training is beneficial and should be further developed for vocational school students so that they can acquire the skills needed to face opportunities and challenges in the job market.
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