Pelatihan Pembuatan dan Pengelolaan Database untuk Para Pengurus dan Karyawan Rumah Singgah Lansia
Kata kunci: Basis Data, Lansia, PKM, TIK
Abstract - Database Management is part of the daily operational activities of an organization. Rumah Singgah Tua, a social organization that provides a shelter for the elderly who need both health and psychological attention. Currently data management is still conventional, an elderly person who comes with his family to be treated, checked or stopped is recorded in a book and gets a member card. Although currently there are not many elderly members, in the long term better data management is needed, for this reason the creation and management of databases is very important to be applied to this elderly halfway house. The purpose of this PKM is to provide training in creating and managing data bases so that the data for the elderly in the elderly shelters can be managed better than before. Some of the obstacles that exist in this PKM are the limited ICT infrastructure and the lack of competence of human resources in the field of ICT, especially in operating database applications and computer devices. This elderly halfway house only has a laptop, and it is a donation from one of the donors. Two employees who take care of various administrative matters ranging from registration, health to financial matters, so the caretakers who are also volunteers at the shelter for the elderly also take turns helping. Every day there are always administrators and volunteers who come to help with various jobs at the shelter for the elderly, ranging from handling administrative matters, cleaning to serving the elderly and their families. The PKM training that has been carried out has proven to be successful in increasing the competence of employees and administrators of the Elderly Halfway House so that they are able to move from initially managing data conventionally to finally creating and managing data using Database application software.
Keywords: Database, Lansia, PKM, ICT
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