Membangun Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Generasi Muda Karang Taruna Bitung Sari Bogor Melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Sabun Cuci Piring
As is the case with the younger generation in general, most of the younger generation in Kelurahan Bitung Sari Bogor think that they know everyone through social media so that everything can be communicated quickly and easily, including in terms of finding a job. They forget that they are in the real world where everything depends on their own abilities and they must have the fighting spirit to try to be better. This is something that is quite worrying for the lurah along with staff and parents for the young generation of the Bitung Sari Bogor Village. It turns out that only a small portion of the younger generation is absorbed by the world of work as permanent employees. Information from the Secretary of Kelurahan Bitung Sari Bogor that the abilities and skills of most of the younger generation still need to be improved through training. In this dish soap making training, apart from being trained in skills and creativity in making products, they are also trained in communicating directly with other training participants. The results of the training in the form of dish soap products with various variations also facilitated communication between participants a little as shown by the mixing of the participants, where at first they only knew two or three participants.
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