Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Media Pembelajaran Pengenalan Huruf Vokal Berbasis Multimedia untuk Guru di TK Tarsisius 2
Education at the Kindergarten level is now starting to provide a lot of reading learning materials. One of the basic reading subject matter is vowel recognition, but it is still rare for kindergartens to have multimedia-based vowel recognition learning materials. Kindergarten children really like multimedia-based games, because they were born and grew up in the digital era. Based on the results of observations and interviews in kindergarten, it is known that teachers need an application of learning media for vowel recognition as a tool in providing reading subject matter. Community Service in Tarsisius Kindergarten 2. Training on the use of vowel recognition learning media is given directly by practicing learning media applications on teachers' laptops, the result of this training is an increase in the competence of kindergarten teachers and new skills, especially in the use of Vocal letter recognition applications in learning activities which are given
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