Penyuluhan Sistem Informasi Posyandu sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Bebas Stunting
Pasirwaru Village is a village with a population of 5,511 people and has a superior program in the health sector, namely posyandu. Posyandu Anggrek I is a posyandu in Pasirwaru Village which has 60 toddlers and 10 pregnant women. The role of this posyandu is to empower, provide easy health services, provide counseling to overcome stunting by fulfilling the nutritional needs of pregnant women, provide breast milk and MPASI, access clean water, and monitor the growth of toddlers at the posyandu. Activities to monitor the growth of toddlers and pregnant women at posyandu must be supported by complete and accurate data from the results of each posyandu activity. As for the toddler data report, currently pregnant women at Posyandu Anggrek I still use notebooks. This causes several problems such as books being easily damaged, lost, inconsistencies and inaccuracies in reporting, duplication of data, inconsistencies, data access rights that are not conditioned, storage media is temporary, data processing is difficult to produce important information about the description of the condition of toddlers and pregnant women in the posyandu environment. Therefore, posyandu must have a Posyandu Information System for reporting data, searching for data, monitoring the growth of toddlers and pregnant women which is accessed easily and quickly so that it has accuracy, security, availability, completeness of continuous data and supports effective and efficient decision making. The methods used in this community service are health education and workshops on using the Posyandu Information System. The results of this activity are increased awareness of the importance of health, the availability of a posyandu information system that can be used by the community and posyandu cadres properly and correctly to monitor the growth and development of children and pregnant women.
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