Pelatihan Fotografi dan Videografi untuk Pemasaran Digital Bagi Anggota Komunitas UMKM di Kota Depok
As one of the contributors to providing employment and community income, it is important for MSME actors to have photography and video skills. This is inseparable from the main function of product photos and videos for MSMEs, which is to help increase sales. Especially in this digital era, product photos and videos are a mainstay weapon for MSME players to visualize their products. Good and attractive product photos and videos will certainly attract the attention of potential customers and be moved to buy it. The purpose of this community service activity is to develop the skills of members of the ivory Shining MSME community at Gading Depok Residence, Curug Village, Bojongsari District, Depok City, West Java in taking photos and videos of their products. The methods used in this community service activity are observation and training. Observations were made to determine the problems faced by members of the Gading Bersinar MSME community. The training is divided into three sessions, i.e. socialization, practice and evaluation. The results of this community service showed that all participants succeeded in increasing their knowledge and understanding of basic techniques of product photography and videography. This can be seen from the increased understanding of product photos and videos through pre-test and post-test results.
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