Kenali dan Temukan Potensi dalam Diri: Penerapan Proses Pengenalan Potensi Diri pada Mahasiswa
Recognizing self-potential is one of the requirements to be able to achieve success in the careers that will be undertaken by students in an effort to plan their future careers so that they can be used as a reference in determining a career that is in accordance with their potential which is expected to assist in decision making, especially in choosing career or further study after graduation. This community service activity uses an experience learning approach, where the process of delivering material is carried out by involving participants directly in terms of cognition, affection and psychomotor which is very interactive by placing participants as subjects so that it will directly optimize the potential of participants. Based on the results of the implementation, it is known that before the implementation of this activity students have not been able to recognize and find potential in themselves, but after receiving this training material, students understand how self-concept, as well as the potential that exists in themselves, this is evident from how students are able to explain and explain accompanied by examples of self-concept, and the potential that exists in him.
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