Sosialisasi Sekolah Ramah Anak di Jenjang Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar di Kota Bogor
Child Friendly Schools are a real example of fulfilling one indicator among many other indicators in the Child Friendly Cities policy. The Child Friendly Cities Program is one of Indonesia's main initiatives through the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, which is legally based on the Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and World Fit for Children at the international level and the 1945 Constitution. KLA is an area that carries out a development process based on the principle of children's rights by integrating commitments and resources among the government, the community, and the business world. This implementation is carried out in a planned-sustainable manner in term of policies, programs and activities to ensure the realization of rights as well as children protection. Child Friendly Schools (SRA) are educational institutions that include formal, non-formal and informal safe, clean and healthy. SRA encourages environmental awareness and cultural values while guaranteeing the fulfillment of children's rights and protection from violence, discrimination and unfair treatment. In addition, SRA supports children's participation in the process of planning, implementing policies, and supervising learning activities to ensure that their rights are fulfilled by the education system. The purpose of the community engagement activity entitled Socialization of Child Friendly Schools is to provide teachers and principals with an understanding of the nature, concepts, principles, goals, strategies, and stages of implementation of Child Friendly Schools so that this policy can be implemented in all elementary schools in the City. Bogor. The method used for implementation is through outreach activities and focus group discussions with teachers and principals of all elementary schools in Bogor City. The result of socialization activities and focus group discussions with teachers and principals of elementary schools in Bogor City is an understanding gained by school and its elements about the nature, concepts, strategies, and stages of Child Friendly Schools implementation.
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